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Leading New Trends in Retail Store Design, China in-store 2024 Concluded Successfully!


On September 5, 2024, the Shanghai International Trade Fair for In-store Design & Solutions (China in-store 2024) wrapped up a successful three-day event at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. With the theme "Focus on Store Design, Explore Retail Trends" the show attracted 134 premier retail store design agencies and solution providers to jointly explore future trends of the retail industry and innovations in retail interior development. The trade fair drew 11,502 professional visitors from 49 countries and regions, including Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other regions, highlighting China in-store’s global influence and industry leadership.



Since its inception in 2015, China in-store, as the official satellite of EuroShop which is the world's largest trade fair for the retail industry, has been dedicated to store design and solutions. China in-store 2024 displayed the latest innovations in store design and retail technology. It gathered key stakeholders such as designers, retailers, suppliers, and technology providers in the retail industry to create a valuable platform for professional networking and exchange.


Ms. Elke Moebius, Director of EuroShop of Messe Düsseldorf said:” Shanghai is home to many extraordinary store concepts. With China in-store, we offer high-quality solutions precisely for these stores, from store design and store fittings to technological innovations.”


Ms. Evian Gu, General Manager of Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., expressed, "We are delighted to witness China in-store emerging as a pivotal force in propelling the development of China's retail sector. Through this show, we aim is to further stimulate innovation within the industry."



Showcasing Diversified Scenarios and Business Model Innovations


As consumer demands for personalization continue to rise, store design is increasing vital in enhancing brand images and enriching customer experiences. China in-store gathered a multitude of top-tier retail solution providers and design studios, showcasing the most innovative and creative retail space designs. From interactive smart experiences to the application of eco-friendly materials, every detail demonstrated the retail industry's profound understanding of consumer needs and accurate anticipation of future trends.

Mr. Kevin Cheng, Deputy General Manager of Xiamen Yiree Smart Industries Co., Ltd. said: “Yiree is a longstanding participant of China in-store, making our third appearance this year. The quality of visitors continues to impress us, and it's clear the exhibition is evolving in professionalism and diversity of displays. The inclusion of numerous design firms alongside traditional retail equipment companies enriches our understanding of front-end design concepts, which ultimately benefits the entire industry.”


Mr. Chen Gang, President of Joyfield (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. commented: “China in-store attracted a significant number of international visitors, drawing numerous global buyers and business divisions to our booth to network and interact. Our company is looking to expand overseas, and this exhibition has proven to be incredibly beneficial in that regard.”


Mr. Zhao Weidong, General Manager of HCRS Retail Design and Manufacture Co., Ltd., expressed affirmation of the exhibition, saying, “Participating in China in-store is a long-term and meaningful endeavor for us; This exhibition not only allows us to engage with clients and expand our market presence but also enables us to collect and grasp the latest industry insights, particularly new materials and technologies, which are incredibly inspiring. We will continue to exhibit next year.”


Amidst the currents of globalization and digitalization, traditional retail models are being overturned, and new retail formats are emerging constantly. Leveraging insights into the latest commercial retail trends and demands, China in-store, in partnership with Hi Design, crafted the thematic exhibition—Pastoral Project 2024: Seeking New Business Habitat. With the principles of “Free Movement”, “Creating Connections”, and “Circular Sustainability”, the themed exhibition assembled a diverse array of design firms, independent designers, and commercial brands to delve into these concepts. Through the showcase of varied scenarios and business model innovations, the exhibition offered diverse insights into the future of offline retail, commercial real estate, and urban renewal.


Ms. Song Fuling, Marketing Operations Manager of Retail Link commented: “Previously, I had only attended China in-store as a visitor, but this year marks our first participation as an exhibitor. The visitors are exceptionally professional, including many international visitors, all of whom represent potential clients and partners for us. The high-quality forums at the exhibition offered invaluable insights, with industry leaders sharing the latest trends that have greatly benefited me.”


Mr. Li, Store Designer at MUJI, said after the visit: “As a designer, I frequently need to explore new materials and innovative practices. I was particularly intrigued by some of the new products and display techniques at the exhibition, such as innovative shelving layouts, specialized lighting for displays, and interactive screens. Engaging directly with numerous manufacturers and suppliers proved to be very helpful. Additionally, the event showcased a Pastoral Project -themed exhibition featuring works from several cutting-edge designers and their studios, which I found extremely interesting and could draw more inspiration.



Retail Technology Zone: Unveiling Cutting-Edge Retail Technologies for an Enhanced Shopping Experience


The evolution of retail technology is propelling the industry towards a smarter, more efficient, and customer-oriented future. The integration of advanced technologies like AR/VR, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence is catalyzing unprecedented transformations within the retail sector. This year's China in-store featured a dedicated Retail Technology Zone, where leading firms such as Sony China, Zkong, Safmax, iretailer Solutions, and OnTime showcased their latest innovations in AI, IoT, virtual reality, smart displays, electronic tags, and big data analytics. These cutting-edge technologies attracted a large number of visitors, sparking discussions and consultation, that reshaping the retail landscape to offer consumers an entirely shopping experience.

Mr. Kevin Chen, Senior Director, ESC-Home & Personal Entertainment Division of Sony (China) Limited expressed: “This is the first time for Sony to participate in China in-Store. While showcasing our products and solutions, we also gathered valuable insights into customer needs and industry trends. This experience has been immensely beneficial and will greatly impact our future product development and marketing strategies.”


Mr. Liu Shiqiao, Sales Director of Smarts Science and Technology Co., Ltd. was very satisfied with the quality of visitors this year, stating, “Many brand representatives and design firms visited our booth for extensive interactions and discussions, clearly aligning with our target client profile.”



Premier Concurrent Forums: Spotlighting Emerging Trends in Industry Development



Beyond the confines of the trade fair, the event also featured several high-quality concurrent seminars. 49 domestic and international industry leaders and experts delivered engaging presentations on topics including the design and development of commercial retail spaces in China, enhancement of retail brands by spatial design, and lighting design within retail environments. These face-to-face interactions not only fostered communication and collaboration between designers and retailers, but also spurred innovation and growth within the retail industry.



In addition, The EuroShop RetailDesign Award China (ERDA China) made a significant impact once again. The Honor Chengdu Flagship Store by HONOR Retail Design Studio, SHANG XIA Tea Space by Tongji University's School of Design and Innovation, and SPOON house by Quantum Space were awarded this year's best store concept award at the EuroShop RetailDesign Award China, triumphing over nearly a hundred contest submissions. ERDA China is derived from EuroShop RetailDesign Award (ERDA), which is a collaborative creation of EHI Retail Institute and Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.


The next China in-store will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from September 2-4, 2025. We look forward to seeing you there again!

Dear Visitor ,
Visitor registration for China in-store 2019 will be available in October 2018. Thank you!

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